A Midsummer Night’s Festival
Henry IV, Part I: Act I Scene II
Falstaff - Con Grondahl
Prince Hal - Bill Sheehan
A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Titania - Kathleen Cullen
Bottom - Jerry Demers
Fairies - Francesca Strazzera, Victoria Strazzera & Annalise Vivolo
Hamlet: Act III, Scene I
Hamlet - Christopher McGowan
Ophelia - Susan Rauh
The Taming of the Shrew: Act II, Scene I
Petruchi - William Kozy
Katherina - Jean McCabe
A Midsummer Night’s Dream: Act III, Scene II
Directed by Michael Flanagan
Hermia - Lindy Tabano
Helena - Julie White
A Midsummer Night’s Dream: Act V, Scene I
Pyramus - Christian De Matteo
Thsibe - Jason Fogarty
Lion - Brittanny Pierce
Moonshin - Leighann Snyder
Wall - Melissa Thompson
Prologue - Kristin Vesce
The Epilogue
Puck - Abby Moore
Costumes: Carol McCabe
Producer: Nicholas Sala
Set: Dorothy Muccio & Christopher McGowan
Artistic Director: Christopher McGowan
Very Special Thanks: Madeline Provenzano, Dorothy Lewandowski, John McGowan, John McGrath, Leroy Temple, Lickety Split, Andrea Kozy, Deana Weyhrauch & Margaret Cioffi