Kiddy Kabaret Goes to Clown School
Written and directed By Laury Hopkins
Miss Gummy Bean/Clownimecium - Abigail Adams
Dot - Elizabeth Arnone
Tina Ballerina - Kristine Arnone
Henry the Janitor - Elizabeth Balfe
Birdie - Anita Beqiraj
Penguin/Birdie - Andrea Berardo
Senorita - Jillian Cea
Senorita - Chelsea Connoll
Elephant - Christen DeCuffa
Mr. Blue - Joe DeWitt
Ringmaster - Kristina DiIorio
Senorita - Sarah Eccles
Senorita - Kaylin Fitzpartick
Miss Cutsie Wootsie - Jean Flick
Marlin the Magnificent - Liam Flynn
Jingleheimer and Horse - Emmett Foze
Birdie - Joseph Gjonaj
Jingleheimer and Mice - Nicholas Gjonaj
Mary Lou - Ilana Gross
Senorita - Janie Hayes
Penguin/Senorita - Gwyn Hopkins
Flea - Lily Kolb
Bizarro Bert - Robert Leavy
Penguin - Anna Manfredonia
Peach Melba/Clownimecium - Phoebe Mankiewicz
Penguin - Ruby McClellan
Senorita - Ali McIntyre
Senorita - Jackie McIntyre
Jingleheimer and Mice - Kyle Morales
Senorita - Blakely Nagy
Zorro - Jonathan Nagy
Senorita - Alize Olmo
Miss Fizzywig - Kristina Pearson
Jingleheimer and Mice - Devin Jon Perez
Penguin - Madalyn Piscatelli
Not It - Jonathan Rosa
Sparky - Gregory Sexton
Bubbles the Sad Clown - Rebecca Taffett
Penguin - Brianna Whelan
Senorita - Sarah Williams
Patty Pam - Aimee Zambrana
Miss Sugar Mixitup - Stephanie Zambrana
Penguin - Lindsey Zapata
Roustabouts - Samantha Emmert, Emily Sexton, Hannah Sheehy
Musical Director: Stephen Marcus
Production Managers: Miriam Benitez-Nixon & Joe Nixon
This production was made possible, in part, with public funds from the Bronx council on the Arts through the NYS Council on the Arts Decentralization Program and the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs Greater New York Arts Development Fund, Bronx Borough President Adolfo Carrion and the Bronx Delegation of the City Council via a grant to the City Island Community Center and the City Island Theater group, as well as a grant from C.O.L.O.N.Y.