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Shakespeare Under the Stars
Featuring: Henry V, Sonnets, The Tempest,
The 15 Minute Hamlet by Tom Stoppard, Kiss Me Kate,
Two Gentlemen of Verona, Romeo & Juliet
and The Othello Rap by Adam Long, Daniel Singer and Jess Winfield
Justine Costanza
Kathellen Cullen
Christian De Matteo
Jason Fogarty
Con Grondahl
Katie McAllister
Christopher McGowan
Nicolas Perugini
Susan Rauh
Cori-Ann Roublick
Julie White
Director: Michael Flanagan
Co-Director: K. Cullen
Producer: Nicholas Sala
Costumes: Carol McCabe
Lighting: C. McGowan
Sound: Susan Velcheck
Special Funding provided by Councilwoman Madeline Provenzano

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